Here we go again….
com·pas·sion n
sympathy for the suffering of others, often including a desire to help
Republican and Democrats playing games with the lives of American people. We have people supporting republican leaders because they are worried about their MONEY and power. Many of these people are Christians (Claim to be) and that is a real shame.
Life is unfair and it hurts many people. I want to share a little with you from the Bible about a great man who had everything (riches) Bill Gates can only dream about. This man is Solomon who wrote his observations (about the unfairness of life) in the book Ecclesiastes Chapter three verses sixteen to seventeen.
In Verse sixteen he mentions “…place of judgment, that wickedness was there; and the place of righteousness, that iniquity was there”.
Solomon was talking about corruption in places of judgment- like our courts our government, our Nations. Some of our leaders only want what works for them that allows for them to keep what they have- power and money….It remains our challenge to stand for the oppressed. To speak up, speak out and hold our leaders accountable.
Those of you who call yourselves Christians need to understand in verse seventeen “...God shall judge righteous and the wicked:” Remember every work shall be judged. Caucasian European (Not all Caucasians) love for money and power will be judge by God, especially those who claim to be Christians (those in office using God) and actually think they are making a stand for what is right. In reality many poor oppressed people in American will suffer with no Health Care and no jobs.
Now here is the Challenge for every person who claims to know God. Solomon in Ecclesiastes chapter four verse one sheds light on oppression. We have endured every cruelty from European immigrates who used the “manifest destiny” to harm and steal from native peoples. The oppressed “tears” in chapter four goes unnoticed because Christians rather hang on to their political beliefs, which have nothing to do with the Bible. Shame.
Whoa! Do you see what’s going on here? Navajo Nation keep your guards up no matter what or who is in office. Christians should be the first to help the oppressed who experience injustice and hurt.
Pat Robinson needs to look at the injustice done to native nations and those who live in shacks below Phoenix, Arizona. Is every person cursed because someone did something wrong? Native people living in shacks because of European disease called prejudice. Where are the Christians who called themselves followers of Christ?