McCain is no friend to the Diné Nation, and should never be trusted. Numerous non-educated Diné leaders in office have been played but this generation is alert, ready, and on their toes.
McCain is a double talker. McCain uses the Bible, and calls himself a Baptist believer. He does not have one ounce of Bible in him, no compassion, no love, no justice, and not a care for anyone but himself.
God will judge his dark soul. Any man who uses the Bible for gain is going to face the wrath of God.
Jon Kyl, he is a real idiot only out for himself. This guy cannot be trusted in any way. This individual is only out to fill his pockets, and acquire riches by any means.
Preying on non-educated Diné leaders is over. I say no more to non-educated Diné leaders in office.
Ben Shelly should not have ever attended the meeting in the first place with these thieves. Why did you give ear to these liars? What kind of leader gives ears to such terms, which hurt our sovereign rights to our land (home), natural resources, and freedom?
The United States of America owe the Diné Nation billions for the resources they took from our land. We should be the wealthiest tribal nation in America. We got taken, and let's not have this come to pass yet again.
One white Mormon individual received $1 million for his work at Peabody coal years ago. What did Diné Nation get? Nothing!
We have men in sheep's clothing wanting to hurt our rights, freedom, and land. We need to trust no one outside our beloved Dine Nation.
This is our land, our history, our traditions, our pride, and our ancestors' land. This land belongs to our future Diné young people.