Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My Thoughts

Obama needs to apologize to the Native People after what happen at UNITY 2008 conference. Im thinking he means and wants CHANGE. Well, this is not CHANGE. Is this a way to treat a group of people who have been cheated, raped, and murdered. A Government who used biological warfare to destroy Nations and steal land. 

Democrats gave a modest hope to people when Nancy Pelosi was elected to Speaker of the HOUSE. What a disappointment. I wrote a letter to the Editor (Navajo Times) about Democrats giving some hope but to use caution. Again, we must use caution when dealing with White People because MONEY and POWER is the game. I had a conversation with a Democrat whom is confused about voting. He might vote McCain because he won't raise TAXes on the RICH and not Obama who will RAISE TAXes on the RICH and lower it for the poor and working class community. He is Confused because of HIS MONEY! He is leaning toward McCain! Why? HMM

Since the Caucasian intruder set foot on Native Land with God on their side to civilize and murder women and children. It's been down Hill for Native people since 1492.  All in the name of Money(god) and Greed (god). Well, I hate to break the news to you. This identical attitude lives in the hearts and minds of both Democrats and Republicans today. We will see how this all plays out. The Question now-Do the Democrats mean what They SAY? I have met many Christians attending Big Baptist Churches and think God is blessing them! Only give $$ to make their names known and to look good. These guys are the ones getting Tax breaks! 

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

1 Timothy 6:10

Bush/McCain Administration using the war to get the Republicans (CEOs) Fat with Green beans and using a Woman to get votes! Using the Bible to justify their choices and as a means to win votes. McCain has a track record with Native American people in Arizona by standing in the way of progress.  McCain will use American Soldiers to get votes! This is a White person who will lie to the American public to get what he wants. Voting against Native progress beacause he wants Control. Well, Palin appearently has a great track record with Native Americans in Alaska! What a lie! Her husband a so call Native! What has he done for the POOR Natives in Alaska? Talk about using the Native blood to get votes, and she is no Friend to the Native American people! If you are Native American and supporting this group, you're brain washed (dead)! 

Give us our Health Care and Education Money back! This should never be touched because it's Treaty LAW. Having Mention this the Government owes Native people BILLIONS!

I hope Obama is the REAL DEAL. He never gives a straight answer but we'll see how he performs.

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