Com pas sion n
sympathy for the suffering of others, often including a desire to help
Compassion is a Key word in the Bible and imperative to Christian character. I’m Native American from the Southwest raised in the Bible and taught to believe all truths of the Word. Justice, Honor, Respect, Love, and Equality are all trademarks of the Bible and born again believer. Having mention these fundamental characters of what Bible Believers should possess in their own lives. Many ought to reconsider their actions.
Watching every minute of the election, and the outcome with Obama winning. I like Obama because he gave every person a future to hope for. I may not agree with certain philosophies he believes but he had compassion.
Fascinating to see Bible believers respond with racist attitudes and using the Bible to justify their behavior. Where is this compassion when you call yourself Christians? People losing jobs, government-stealing money from Native American people who were raped, lied to, massacred, and left for naught. You want Native people to Vote for McCain? Using the bible to get votes, shameful! Keep in mind when Native American people were killed in the name of God, and to justify their lust for greed and murder. How can you as a Believer in Christ be so mislead? I know numerous people supported this McCain and Bush administration because of Money and what it can get for ME (them). What does the Bible teach about money? What does the bible teach about standing up for the weak?
The Bible mentions God is for the weak and not the strong. God is for the fatherless, motherless, widow, and orphans. Where is this love? I attended a Baptist school in Dallas where I finished up my undergrad. I remember enormous Baptist churches in the Dallas area. I met numerous wealthy Baptist individuals and one who promoted Christian movies. I wonder how real the Bible was for him? He was absolutely a great person and very friendly but he did not care about anyone but himself. All money!! This same attitude contaminates believers and Republicans who use the Bible and God as a means to get Rich and leave everyone in the dust. Republicans stealing from the people of this God given land and amazingly have blind people who follow and support these selfish hypocrites and believe every lie that comes out their month!
I thought about the moral issues during the election but knowing the history my people suffered, and how smooth the words of the Caucasian immigrate who used the Bible to harm and steal from the First Nation Citizens. Christians are supposed to be socialist according to Christ and his Word. Now, I believe every person should work hard but every once in awhile a person needs help! So called believers let greedy Republicans scurry around so you can get what you desire. Racism hurts and demoralizes people.
For those of you who think your doing right by voting for a Republican because of moral issues, you need to wake up because your ignorance is their power. This same principle applies for all parties.
On this note, it’s time you start speaking up for the oppressed and calling out your leaders on their behavior if you want real change. Learn compassion.
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