Friday, October 2, 2009
Steven Newcomb: Tricking Indians out of land
Nichols’ response used ridicule as an effective and skillful technique for dehumanizing American Indians. This was accomplished by creating a red herring, or false issue: the impossibility of the buffalo having ever given a paper title deed to the Indians.
The comment also was no doubt intended to evoke the issue of literacy and the observation that most American Indian nations did not use a written language system prior to the Europeans arriving. The underlying assumption is that “intelligent” people (i.e., Europeans) use a written language, and since American Indian cultures in North America did not use a written language they were not “intelligent.”
By focusing the reader’s attention on the image of a title deed, a very specific kind of written document unknown to American Indian cultures, Watner skillfully avoided a much more general question: Did the Indians have an original right to the lands of North America? By not posing this question, Watner left a void where the question would have been.
If Watner had asked in a straightforward manner whether the American Indians had a right to the lands in North America where they had been living for thousands of years, the common sense answer would be an unequivocal “yes.”
But once that question had been answered, the answer would create a firm presumption that would need to be explained away before European land claims to the continent could make any sense."
Steven Newcomb: The Christian invasion 'right'
Since they first arrived, Christian Europeans worked hard to cut the ties of indigenous nations to their traditional lands. Attacking their languages and ceremonial traditions in the name of Christianity was a key means of attempting to sever the ongoing spiritual relationship that indigenous nations maintained for many thousands of years with their most sacred places and territories.
Non-Indian court rulings have also significantly affected Indian nations. And the most foundational court decisions are historically grounded in the ancient view that Christians had the right to locate, invade and capture lands anywhere in the world, provided the lands were inhabited by non-Christians.
This religiously premised claim of a Right of Christian Invasion leads to an important question: “Is the ancient claim that Christians have the right to locate, invade and assume territorial dominion over the lands of non-Christian nations a legitimate source of U.S. law in the 21st century?” The answer from the Episcopal Church resolution is, “No, it isn’t a legitimate source of U.S. law.”"
Steven Newcomb: How to rid Indians of land
Territory is of critical importance to the colonial problem of the United States. Snow said that from the “earliest time” the meaning of the word “territory” had been disputed. Based on a number of Latin writers dating back to the Roman Empire, Snow traced the concept of “territory” to the Latin word “terreo,” “to hold a place in subjection through terror, or excessive fear.”
From this perspective, the more accurate spelling of “territory” would be “terror-tory,” meaning, “a region or place held under subjection or control through the use of terroristic force against the people.” A successful war of terror results in an expanded “terror-tory” (territory).
Snow said the double suffix “torium” resulted in the whole word “toritorim,” the literal meaning in Latin being, “a place pertaining to a person who holds in subjection through terror or excessive fear.” A toritorim is a place that is held “through awe, or dread.” The more benign and euphemistic sounding meaning would be, “a place subject to the exclusive control of a person (such as a Lord), or a political community.”
All this leads to a troubling but quite logical conclusion. Behind the “Doctrine of Discovery” and the claim of a unilateral U.S. “plenary power” over Indian nations is the claimed “right” of Christian terror-torial sovereignty. This can be characterized as the presumed right by a “Christian prince or people” to invasively use terroristic force against non-Christians (heathens and infidels)."
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Bohemian Grove
Bohemian Grove G.W. Bush
com·pas·sion n
sympathy for the suffering of others, often including a desire to help
love n
1. an intense feeling of tender affection and compassion
2. strong liking for or pleasure gained from something
In my last letter to the Editor we talked about the Word Compassion. In this letter I would like to discuss the word Love.
Love is another very essential part of the Christian life and the Bible. Christ teaches every person to love thy neighbor as thyself. The word Compassion means to help others, which is motivated by Love and not evil.
My question is to the Republicans who claim to be Born Again and claim to love Christ. You screech about moral issues surrounding Obama and Democrats and yet you do not lend a helping hand to the poor. Nor do you stand up for them when injustice is evident. You have Bush (Cult member) who is a member of “Bohemian Grove” which is a spin off of “Skulls and Bones”. You elected a person who used you and lied. I really think you need to think about questioning your leaders and who is in control.
Now, I’m not going to let the Democrats off easy. There are many Democrats who will do whatever it takes to get Rich. No different from the Republicans. They could care less about you and I. Many Democrats are members of this secret cult (Bohemian Grove) sect, which takes place in Northern California.
We have Christian people who claim to be Believers in Christ who will not stand for the afflicted. The word Love has a different meaning when money/power is involved. America is hurting because we have Greedy people in Government positions looking out for themselves.
This is OUR Government!?
What are you afraid of when you(Christians) know injustice is occurring? Bush taking away Native Health Care, CEOs stealing from workers and using people. Republicans won’t lift a finger to help people of America. The Bible stands alone and exposes the evil.
Bible believers need to wake up and find out the truth about your leaders who you support!?
Love does not hurt, destroy, and murder people. We need to realize who is running our country and what direction they are taking America.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Obama is still a politician
People of every upbringing experienced the effects of the Bush dogma, which took our education and health funds. When Obama makes mention of the White America's original sin, it's not slavery, but the genocide of first nation natives. This part of history needs to be remembered.
We must remember Barack Obama is a politician and we, as a nation, need to be on our guard. We all know what a politician is about because we had a leader who stole and lied to his own people in the past. Politicians don't get positions without corruption along the way. We have leaders (Navajo leaders) today who use funds for themselves and not for our people.
There is a long-time office possessor who might not be willing to work with Obama. This means Democrats and Republicans. Greed is big on every individual's mind and heart. The Bush administration made certain his friends received and made money. Obama will be up against those who will clutch their fist before they labor with him.
Bush used religion as a means for power and votes. He fooled the uninformed simple-minded Christian who blindly supported this lying two-face individual.
Well, Bush got his last laugh when he mentions the Bible as not accurate in the company of a smirk. We all witnessed the smirk when he arrived at Hurricane Katrina thinking he's done nothing wrong.
Bush, a member of the "Bones and Skulls" at Yale, called himself a Christian. This should be the first warning sign to Christians, but no. We all know what happened. To all Bible believers I say to you, you must stand up for our people and wake up.
We must hold Obama to his words and our leaders need to be on their game. We need leaders (not thieves) who are willing to stand for our people in every area of life. To be aware of those who steal and cheat our people and by this I mean our Navajo rug makers who get cheated by traders. This is why we need our leaders to be on their game and protect the Navajo Nation.