Thursday, January 29, 2009

Obama is still a politician

Barack H. Obama is our president of the United States of America. It was a beautiful chilly morning in Washington, D.C., as I waited in the cold brisk morning to see history and to share the moment with people from different vicinities of the nation. To see the many cultures come together and rejoice.
People of every upbringing experienced the effects of the Bush dogma, which took our education and health funds. When Obama makes mention of the White America's original sin, it's not slavery, but the genocide of first nation natives. This part of history needs to be remembered.
We must remember Barack Obama is a politician and we, as a nation, need to be on our guard. We all know what a politician is about because we had a leader who stole and lied to his own people in the past. Politicians don't get positions without corruption along the way. We have leaders (Navajo leaders) today who use funds for themselves and not for our people.
There is a long-time office possessor who might not be willing to work with Obama. This means Democrats and Republicans. Greed is big on every individual's mind and heart. The Bush administration made certain his friends received and made money. Obama will be up against those who will clutch their fist before they labor with him.
Bush used religion as a means for power and votes. He fooled the uninformed simple-minded Christian who blindly supported this lying two-face individual.
Well, Bush got his last laugh when he mentions the Bible as not accurate in the company of a smirk. We all witnessed the smirk when he arrived at Hurricane Katrina thinking he's done nothing wrong.
Bush, a member of the "Bones and Skulls" at Yale, called himself a Christian. This should be the first warning sign to Christians, but no. We all know what happened. To all Bible believers I say to you, you must stand up for our people and wake up.
We must hold Obama to his words and our leaders need to be on their game. We need leaders (not thieves) who are willing to stand for our people in every area of life. To be aware of those who steal and cheat our people and by this I mean our Navajo rug makers who get cheated by traders. This is why we need our leaders to be on their game and protect the Navajo Nation.

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